DUI Lawyer Albany NY

DUI Defense Attorney Albany NY

On Call 24/7/365

(518) 377-3077

Office Hours:
Mon-Friday 9a-5p
Evenings and Weekends by Appointment
Calls answered 24/7
Charged with a crime?  Call Mark today.

Office Location:
650 Franklin Street, Suite 502
Schenectady, New York 12305

Office Hours are 9a-5p with Evenings & Weekends by Appointment

Contact DWI

traffic ticket defense albany ny


A drunk driving conviction can haunt you for the rest of your life which is why retaining knowledgeable and experienced legal representation is so crucial. If you have been charged with DWI in New York, you should know your rights. Penalties for driving while intoxicated are very serious and can include jail time, fines, outpatient and in-patient treatment programs, and a lengthy driver’s license suspension. Furthermore, an alleged Blood Alcohol Content of .18 or greater will result in a charge of Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated which will increase your fine amounts. It will also make the ability to negotiate a successful resolution with the prosecutor more difficult. For these reasons, you should retain an experienced DWI defense attorney. Call Attorney Mark Juda today at 518-377-3077 for a free consultation to evaluate your case. Let Mark advise you of your options as well as the consequences of a conviction.

traffic ticket defense albany ny


Consider all your options before pleading guilty to traffic tickets. Moving violations have points which could affect your insurance as well as your license. In a significant number of cases, Juda Law Office can resolve these matters on your behalf without you having to appear in Court. Call our office today for free consultation.